A Murph is when your underwear go up your ass and you have to pull it out
Where I come from it's called a "wedgie"!
in my case, i never did much research or read alot of apostate literature to get out of the jw religion.
all i looked at was their heart and how they treated me.
that alone spoke for itself..
A Murph is when your underwear go up your ass and you have to pull it out
Where I come from it's called a "wedgie"!
i declined appointment to become an elder in two different congregations.
boy, was the elder body and co not happy about that!.
have any of you done so for any appointments (elder, ms, special pioneer)?
Were they critical? Most definitely!
And yes, they did mention the account about Jonah. However, I used several scriptures to support my answer. Two simple ones that came to mind at the time was James 5:12b and 1John 2:6. Neither the elder body nor the CO could refute those example scriptures as the basis of my decision.
The elders have since eased up a bit, and only a bit, regarding appointments being that I'm keeping a very low profile now. However, that doesn't stop them from trying to get me to extend myself otherwise in other aspects regarding "functions" in the congregation. When the CO does visit our congregation, he always inquires if I am able to "do more" for the WTS. Is it odd that they never ask me if I wanted to do more for Jehovah?
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously by WTS standards)
i declined appointment to become an elder in two different congregations.
boy, was the elder body and co not happy about that!.
have any of you done so for any appointments (elder, ms, special pioneer)?
I have. Twice. I declined appointment to become an elder in two different congregations. Boy, was the elder body and CO not happy about that!
Have any of you done so for any appointments (Elder, MS, Special Pioneer)? What were the ramifications for doing such? Do you get much "heat" for refusing?
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously by WTS standards)
have any here had one in their congregation?.
an elder is assigned to a congregation, usually by the co, in order to clean it out.
especially in regards to the elder body who may be going off tangent by wts accordance .
Have any here had one in their congregation?
An elder is assigned to a congregation, usually by the CO, in order to clean it out. Especially in regards to the elder body who may be going off tangent by WTS accordance . I knew of one, Brother ******, who went around to various congregations in the Los Angeles (South Bay) area. He was very straight forward and bold, but not warm at all. I suppose any of the elders in those congregations in the circuit would cringe when Brother ****** was assigned to their Hall. However, the other members in the congregation would deem it as a "God sent" considering that they cried out for rectification of some sort. Yes, many elders were removed from their pedestals.
Did you know of any such "mole" elders? What were they like? How long were they in your congregation before moving on?
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously by WTS standards) As much as we need to expose WT policy and the way elders behave while in a position of authority we also need to be careful about personal privacy. -- Lee
i' curious how everyone came up with these unique alias names.
my partner gave me mine because my favorite meat is ham.. hambeak
Alligator Wisdom (A play on words)
An alligator's brain is about the size of a human thumb. But would you mess with an alligator?
Yes, I may not be smart...but I'm always learning.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously by WTS standards)
inquiring minds want to know: how did respond to oath # 7 which all jws were required to take at the latest dc?
"we will resist with all our strength the spirit of the world manifested in such things as materialism, unwholesome entertainment, overindulgence in food and alcoholic beverages, the plague of pornographic material and the curiosity or temptation that lures one into association with outsiders through internet chat rooms.
our resolve is to be no part of world as we carry on worship that is clean from the standpoint of our god.
I was at the DC and didn't say "yes" nor did I take the oath seriously. I'm curious as to how many really did take the oath seriously, as another poster mentioned that it was the final talk on the last day with the majority looking at their watches in eager anticipation to have the program conclude.
What came to mind now, though, is what if the resolutions in future district conventions would not only ask for a "resounding" response in the affirmative (YES!!), but will also ask for a show of hands. Afterall, who knows if Brother Elder and Sister Pioneer agreed with a "YES". But what if Brother Elder and Sister Pioneer didn't raise their hands in agreement?
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously by WTS standards)
how many jws have a real relationship with jehovah ?
i thought i did but looking back it was a relationship with the organization that i had.. i did pray, it always went something like "oh please jehovah make me more appreciative, and stop me being so negative, bored at the meetings and help me to enjoy the fs " .
i always felt the "third voice " you hear while reading the wt, was jehovah, i know it sounds nuts but i think this is why even though i had doubts, i always pushed them to the back of my mind.
Yes! = If I put in a favorable amount of hours and listed a nice sum for placements each month.
I was always perplexed when meeting a Christian out in the door-to-door activity who loved God sincerely. Since I was doing all the "works" based on the direction of God's spirit directed organization, how could I NOT have love for God. I discovered it was fear that I had. It was a rabid fear of God and of man.
Alligator Wisdom (Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
I remember saying to one man, "I'd like to leave you this tract', and he said, "The only tracks you're leaving is 'down the road!"
While as a zealous JW, I was delivering tracks faster than I had delivered newspapers as a child.
Now I can't even get riled up. Didn't even place one during this current campaign.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
a few weeks ago on the convention i met this elder, and he wants to visit me to talk.. he was quite liberal.
his daughter has been df-ed and she was going to meet him at the convention.
she came when we were still talking.
I'm curious too as how his visit goes. It sounds, by your comments, that these elders are far and few in between. I only knew of two or three in my 35 years of being associated/contact with JW's.
how widespread is it among jehovah's witnesses and how do they cope with it?
I would consider depression as having a firm grip on "Jehovah's Organization". I'm still in its clutches, though winning the battle. I have been off depressants since May last year. It occasionally haughts me though, but I'm determined to not let it control my life forever.
The only coping methods for JW's are, as brought out by previous posters:
1) Depressants
2) Field service and more field service with an absolutely resolve not to miss meetings
What about prayer to God? I hardly hear that mentioned among the throngs of depressed souls in the WTS.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)